Our most versatile unit, the 2kg ABC powder fire extinguisher contains ABC powder that is multi-purpose and fights any type of fire (except flammable metals). Some suppliers will cut costs by using BC powder that will not fight Class A (wood, paper, material) fires but this model is suitable for homes, vehicles, mobile engineers, plumbers and all sorts with a 13A 34B C fire rating.
ABC powder extinguishers are suitable for fighting Class A fires, Class B fire (flammable liquids), Class C (flammable gases), and fires involving live electrical equipment. The 2kg powder fire extinguisher can be maintained and refilled by any qualified service company.
For Fire Regulations, you need to carry out a fire risk assessment for business or public access premises including rental property. That assessment should tell you what the fire risks are in fire classes such as Class A, B, C, and F (there is no Class E and D covers flammable metals). Although powder fights all fires, it is not designed for offices, hotels, nursing homes, surgeries, etc.